Altona - Apex Park
Apex Park is situated at the western end of the the Altona Esplanade. The area has recently underdone significant capital works from the the Hobsons Bay City Council. The area has ample carparking but is not great for those who need to park a trailer. Having said that, you can park a little further back along the Esplanade if you have a trailer. At the time of writing this article parking is free an unrestricted. It does pay to check yourself as parking restrictions can change regularly. There is a public toilet located in Apex Park.
You can launch via the mouth of the creek. However, this is not advisable as it is very shallow, muddy and weedy. There is a break in the retaining wall about 50 meters from the main Apex parking area. This is the best place to launch from.
It must be said that Apex Park is the hardest and most unpleasant place to launch a kayak from in the Altona region, especially on a low tide. Due to tidal currents in the area, seaweed is swept up and deposits in the Apex corner of the beach. This can become quite smelly at times. Additionally the sand on the flats in this region is quite a thick mud. You will find yourself having to drag your kayak a long distance in ankle deep mud to get yourself out into some water that is deep enough to successfully launch your kayak. It is highly advisable to avoid a low tide launch and wait until the high tide.
Once you are out on the water you want to head outward the yellow maker, which indicates the local outflow pipeline. In this area you will find plenty of weed beds which hold good numbers of squid and King George Whiting (KGW). It is best to fish here when the water clarity is clear. If you are chasing squid I find it best to get on the drift, however, if you are hunting KGW, you will need to anchor up in the sand patches among the weed patches. Berley hard with mussel and pipis shells and some nice quality tuner oil. You will need to bring the fish to you. The best bait is bass yabbies and pipis, but squid will work well too. The best rigs are again running sinker rigs with long shank hooks or a whiting flasher rig.
For a comprehensive review of how to fish this area please check out our Youtube video: Click the below link: